多機種模擬器 BizHawk 發布新版,更新如下 :
- Updated nyma cores to Mednafen 1.27.1
- TurboNyma
- fixed #2873 - Mnemonic display for PCECD shows ! instead of the II, III, IV and VI buttons as well as the mode "buttons"
- Mupen64Plus
- Added haptic feedback passthrough (with rumble pak enabled in controller settings, look in keybinds after analog)
- Fixed #2808 - Support null (any) address for N64 breakpoints
- Updated GLideN64
- Added new GLideN64 settings: BackgroundsMode, txEnhancedTextureFileStorage, and txHiresTextureFileStorage
- fixed #2864 - N64 PAL roms in .n64 format are treated as NTSC
- Octoshock
- Fix fast forwarding
- NESHawk
- Fix mapper 88 mirroring. Closes #2847
- Improve power on state accuracy
- mGBA
- ZXHawk
- Overhaul datacorder and cassette loading code. This should now be more accurate and fixes a number of loading isues with particular games and loading schemes. Fixes #1446
- Gambatte
- BizHawk changes mainlined into upstream gambatte-core, which is now split from gambatte-speedrun
- Linux support added
- full HLE SGB mode implemented in Gambatte, better than SameBoy
- no BIOS accuracy improvements and HLE of CGB-DMG colors (restoring to original Gambatte behavior of hacking in the post BIOS state)
- Expose isCgbDmg + add isCGBDMGMode instead of isCGBMode to movie headers if active
- Tracelogger fixes #2710 #2701 #2902
- Open Bus Emulation
- Use dumped uninitalized AGB WRAM for AGB instead of CGB initial RAM layout
- fix rare crash when changing window when the LCD is disabled and an hdma was requested within that lcd disabled period, #2919
- initialize controller once on core construction and require core reboot to change it, #2921
- automatically create missing BIOS files by patching files you already have (GBC<->GBA, DMG<->MGB, and SGB2<->SGB1)
- various other improvements to accuracy, savestate consistency, and stability
- VirtualBoyee
- Update to Mednafen 1.27.1
- Added options for virtualboy to only show left or right screen
- ColecoHawk
- fixed Virtual Pad schemata
- Libretro
- Add to Linux port
- EmuHawk
- Fixed #2747 and #2077 - improper handling of file paths
- fixed #2787 - unable to open roms in EmuHawk via File Explorer on Windows
- fixed #2759 - strange behaviour of minimised windows on Windows
- fixed #2435 - tab labyrinth in `Config` > `Paths...`
- fixed #2643 - include frame numbers when copying rows in TAStudio
- fixed #2784 - xbone or gamepads pretending to be xbone are detected as two gamepads
- prevent crashing when unplugging gamepads using DirectInput+XInput method
- rewrote most of the OpenTK gamepad code and some of the DirectInput+XInput gamepad code, probably fixing obscure bugs
- respect system chosen for file ext. (i.e. `Config` > `File Extensions...`) when loading an archive containing a single file
- Fixed Basic Bot
- RAM Watch
- Added HandleWatchSizeSelected() to allow user-initiated watch size changes to be ignored if they reset the setting to the same value. fixes #2857
- Rewinder
- Lua
- allow loaded ext. tools to be queried via client Lua library / IToolApi
- Make sorting optional for forms.setdropdownitems
- fixed #2844 - new lua functions for memory and mainmemory: read_bytes_as_array / write_bytes_as_array / read_bytes_as_dict / write_bytes_as_dict
- added event.onconsoleclose to Lua API
- allow most of the mmf Lua library to be used without passing --mmf on the command-line, and add some helper functions to it
- fixed #2940 - made client.openrom behave like client.reboot_core
- Debugger
- fixed #2760 - prevent crashes when minimizing and other cases