手把模擬鍵盤工具 JoyToKey 發布新版,更新如下 :
- Enhancement for the "Keyboard (multi)" tab - You can now define a button to trigger the assignments on other buttons.
For example, it is possible to configure the followings.- When Button1 is pressed for a short duration, rotate the input across Input1 -> Input2 -> Input3 -> …
- When Button1 is pressed for a long duration, enable SHIFT function
- Enhanced the switch rotation in "Keyboard(Multi)" tab - Added an ability to reset the counter when a button isn't pressed for a certain duration. That means, when the button is pressed next time, it will go back to Input1.
- Enhanced the assignment based on the press duration in "Keyboard(Multi)" tab - It is now possible to assign an additional key "Input3" when the long-press is released.
- Updated the application icon - special thanks to Peter (Silent_ip)!
- Changed the behavior when associating profiles with the applications as follows:
- if both path and title are specified, profile will switch only when both are matched
- if only path is specified, profile will switch if path is matched
- if only title is specified, profile will switch if title is matched
- When profiles (*.cfg files) exist in the same folder as "JoyToKey.exe", they'll take precedence over the in user's Documents' "JoyToKey" folder (except when JoyToKey is launched from "Programs Files (x86)" folder).
- When "internal Processing Speed" is changed from the preference, various timings (such as auto-repeat frequency, button hold duration) should no longer be affected.
- Various bug fixes