2012年8月25日 星期六

NDS模擬器 DuoS Beta

NDS模擬器 DuoS 發布了第一個公開測試版,大致上效果不錯,部分遊戲圖層有點問題,音樂尚可,作者原話如下:


Well, finally I made it. I hope you all like it.

A few last minute bugs were detected last night, and some quality downgrade happened... but I wanted to keep my promise and release the emu as it is. There's a lot of room for improvements, and stuff to improve... but it's not all that bad for a Beta.

Next week, I'll try to do some touches to DuoS older sister project AdriPSX PSEMU, so I might re-released it with some updates and fixes around next month. I haven't touched its blog in ages, but you can visit it at    http://adripsx.blogspot.com

Please refer to the Download Links section, and send me feedback about the emu... you like it or not!

Thanks to you all for your continuous support!




下載 :  http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/KTUCGSSBJZXY



