2012年8月18日 星期六

多機種模擬器 RetroCopy 1.0 beta 4

多機種模擬器 RetroCopy 發布新版了,這款模擬器有意思的地方是 全3D GUI ,有點類似進入街機廳後選台的感覺.支援機種有:

Arcade + 媒體播放 + NES(老任紅白機) + gg + MD + sms 等等,自定義功能強大,更新如下:


Please offer suggestions, criticism and whatever else you want! Only Sega Master System is included for this public beta, the other systems will follow once we have ironed out any bugs in the core and/or the addition of netplay.


Also I'll only be doing windows builds for a little while to speed up the bug hunting process.



