2012年10月17日 星期三

Atari 2600 模擬器 no$2k6 v1.1



7年未更新的Atari 2600 模擬器 no$2k6 在今日發布新版,有興趣的朋友可試試,完成度不低.




- controls: emulates lightgun (via mouse)
- help: updated atari 2600 programming specs (2k6specs.txt and 2k6specs.htm)
- help: added lightgun and trackball specs, and fine-tuned some chapters
- a22i: sample source code for no$2k6 assembler (see magic2k6.zip package)
- a22i: conditional jump "slow/fast" prefixes for exact cross-page jump timing
- a22i: numeric expressions with brackets, and alu/booleans operations
- a22i: added some macro support (parameter handling is rather crude though)
- gui: memorizes recent files (for reloading them via file menu)
- plus: some other details that may have crept into no$xxx gui/emu cores



