2012年10月11日 星期四

多機種模擬器 Mednafen 0.9.25-WIP


多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下:


Note that some PS1 Square games (particularly "Chrono Cross", and "Final Fantasy 9") that were partially broken in 0.9.24-WIP in battle scenes are even more broken in this release due to GPU timing changes.

If you're on Linux or Windows, and are using physical joysticks/gamepads, you'll probably want to remap them due to the underlying joystick API usage changes; there is some backwards-compatibility with joystick input mappings from 0.9.24-WIP and earlier, but it is not perfect, and this backwards-compatibility may be removed in the future.

Especially notable end-user-visible changes with this release:

* Added native joystick code targeting DirectInput(5.0) and XInput on MS Windows, and jsdev and evdev on Linux, replacing SDL joystick usage on Windows and Linux.

* Fixed a longstanding bug that caused input configuration data to be lost if you changed the device on a port with CTRL+SHIFT+[n] after configuring input without an emulator exit in-between.

* Added kludgey support for physical joystick analog buttons; see the ChangeLog or documentation in regards to the "F3" key.

* PS1 bug fixes, fixing problems with "Rayman", "Philosoma", and "Star Ixiom".

* Added PS1 DualShock emulation, with rumble and analog mode toggle button(rumble supported on Linux and with MS XInput on Windows).

* Added PS1 neGcon emulation.

* Added PS1 GunCon emulation.

* Added PS1 Konami Justifier emulation.

The following settings have been added:

* input.joystick.global_focus

* osd.alpha_blend

* snes.correct_aspect

* psx.input.port*.gun_chairs

* psx.input.analog_mode_ct

The following settings have been renamed:

* autofirefreq -> input.autofirefreq

* analogthreshold -> input.joystick.axis_threshold

* ckdelay -> input.ckdelay



