2012年12月17日 星期一

街機遊戲改編 - Maximus Action Carnage

有點年紀的準中年人,喜歡街機的朋友應該都玩過這款遊戲。作者將內容修改變更,改編成 Maximus Action Carnage 動作過關遊戲,實際操作下來,感覺不錯,作者說明如下:

Early 1942, the Great Imperial State of Japan has expanded trough the Pacific and invaded and conquered South-East Asia.

The allied forces have all withdrawn or surrendered to the japanese army... except one man, his name is Maximus Malone.

An old-school Run-and-Gun Arcade game where you play as Maximus, the last man standing against the japanese army.

Make your way trough dozens of enemies, artillery and tanks, destroy the japanese outposts to finally defeat the invading enemy forces.           


