2012年12月31日 星期一

PokeMini 0.5.3

老任出品的掌上mini攜帶型遊戲機模擬器 PokeMini 發布新版,更新如下:


*Fixed command-line parsing which caused problems with lastest GCC

*Directory ‘.’ no longer listed

*Configurations now save the directory of the last ROM loaded

*Improved support on color PRC (now works on framebuffer and LCD)


*Dreamcast Only:

*Added read/write VMU support

*EEPROM write disabled by default


*Debugger Only:

*Fixed “Add watchpoint at…” in Memory Viewe

*Added symbols list window

*Added run trace window

*Added “Go to cartridge IRQ” with ability to decode the address

*Middle and Right click now set breakpoint/watchpoint

*Go to address/IRQ now highlight the location

*Added autorun .min after load

*Fixed offset of CE jump instructions

*NDS Only: Removed real battery status


