2014年5月29日 星期四

No$psx v1.9

PS模擬器 No$psx 發布新版,更新如下:

28 May 2014 no$psx v1.9
  • webpage: moved from http://nocash.emubase.de/ to http://problemkaputt.de/
  • hc05: low-level cdrom sub-cpu emulation (motorola mc68hc05 with cdrom bios)
  • hc05: setup: allows to select new low-level emu, older/faster high-level emu
  • hc05: setup: ignores hc05 low-level option if file MC68HC05.ROM is missing
  • hc05: setup: forces reset when changing between low-level and high-level emu
  • hc05: setup: prevents skipping mips-bios-intro in low-level cdrom emulation
  • hc05: cpu: emulates motorola hc05 opcodes and hc05 onchip I/O ports and timer2
  • hc05: cpu: switches between mips/hc05 (on interval and on 1F80180xh access)
  • hc05: io: emulates servo amplifier and signal processor CX(nn) commands
  • hc05: io: emulates servo/signal SENSE result (with SERIAL SENSE on new chips)
  • hc05: io: emulates decoder cmd/param/reply fifos and sector data transfers
  • hc05: io: emulates SUBQ spi bus transfers (for position and table of contents)
  • hc05: scex: simulates serial scex bitstream (when DISK,near POS0,SINGLE speed)
  • hc05: scex: simulates new subq channel "encrypted" scex signal (version vC3)
  • hc05: disc: creates SUBQ data for TOC (with point A0h,A1h,A2h,01h..NNh)
  • hc05: disc: skips nonsense track 0 (lead-in) entries in .nrg "CUES" chunks
  • hc05: sled-mech: supports sled move via FastSled and TrackJump commands
  • hc05: sled-mech: supports sled brake (with reduced kick and move voltages)
  • hc05: sled-mech: computes non-linear sector number versus sled seek distance
  • hc05: mech: simulates DOOR OPEN switch period (required to sense disc changes)
  • hc05: mech: simulates POS0 switch (required for sled reverse lead-in seeking)
  • hc05: mech: nag feature: simulates GFS=bad on spindle speed change (eg.spinup)
  • hc05: mech: nag feature: forces GFS=bad and FOK=bad when disc missing
  • hc05: audio: forwards xa-adpcm data (on adpmnt) and cd-da data (when demuted)
  • hc05: tty: logs incoming cmd/param fifo and outgoing irq/reply fifo transfers
  • hc05: tty: logs CX(nn) commands (with description on known command/params)
  • hc05: tty: logs most recent MM:SS:FF alongsides with CX(nn) commands
  • hc05: bios: cdrom-image-loader treats 16.5K ".ROM" files as cdrom bios-images
  • hc05: bios: autodetects chipset and oscillator (via CXDnnnn strings in BIOS)
  • hc05: debug: supports f6-key set pc, f4-key break, f7-key trace
  • hc05: debug: ctrl+t toggle between MIPS and HC05 debug view (if low level on)
  • hc05: debug: optional bad I/O warnings (with CODE window moved to fault addr)
  • hc05: debug: integrated low-level mode in debugger (re_read_io, vac, iomap)
  • hc05: snapshots: saves hc05 registers and memory and low-level/chipset type
  • hc05: help: added summary of used CX(nn) values for vC1,vC2,vC3 versions
  • hc05: help: add notes on sled motor control methods (move, brake, nonlinear)
  • hc05: help: add info on vC3 specials (TzcOut, NewScex, CX(nn0000)-padding)
  • hc05: help: add info on oscillator clocks, and openbus-reading effects
  • hc05: help: add motorola bootstrap info and cdrom bios dumping info/link
  • cdrom: doesn't set stat.read/play bits until seek completion (gran turismo 1)
  • cdrom: slightly more accurate setloc (kept pending after seek_l/seek_p)
  • cdrom: computes average time per seek distance (faster than real hw though)
  • help: added note on DTL-H2000 using a Sony SPC700 sub-cpu (not Motorola HC05)
  • setup: allows to select 0,1,2,or 8 memcards (workaround for problem in "One")
  • debug: optional MIPS and HC05 tracelog function in TTY window (as in no$sns)
  • debug: new TTY buffer size option (1/10/100MB limit, with optional stop/wrap)
  • debug: resolves ASCII datazones and a0h/b0h/c0h jump lists for DTL-H2000 bios
  • tty: added "tty_force_newline" at begin of auto-generated (non-user) lines
  • cdrom: always uses low-level sector buffer (removed high-level buffer relicts)
  • help: added info on DTL-H2000 memory and atcons/dip/led/etc I/O ports
  • help: added 176-pin CXD2941R pinouts (SPU+CDROM+SPU_RAM on PM-41(2) boards)
  • help: notes on missing cdrom commands in vC0 (1Dh+1Eh+5xh + 19h,22h..25h/7xh)
  • help: fixed apu min/max typos, and cpu j/jal F0000000 typo (thanks mitikoro)
  • help: note on cache/cop0 info in LR3330/L64360 datasheets (thanks LostTemplar)
  • a22i: added ".pack_crc32 result,initial" directive (use with ".pack_org")
  • a22i: added ".pack_chksum_xor8bit result" and ".pack_chksum_add8bit result"
  • snapshot: bugfix: removed duplicated "SECT" chunk name (cdrom sector buffer)
  • help: added new "PSX Dev-Board Chipsets" chapter (for DTL-Hnnnn boards, etc)
  • debug: fixed tty bios patch for cex-1000 (opcode 0FF019CDh instead 0FF019E1h)
  • bios: gui doesn't mute cd-audio (eg. required for games like wipeout 2097)
  • bios: recognizes GetID result for unlicensed mode2 disks WITH audio tracks
  • debug: allows editing values in REGS window (alternately rx=nn in CODE window)
  • bios clone: sends secret unlock commands (works/tested: boots without modchip)
  • a22i: added mc68hc05 assembler (for testing/re-assembling cdrom sub-cpu bios)
  • a22i: resurrected nocash-syntax in online assembler (if disass in nocash mode)
  • help: hardware numbers: added sony's DTL-Hxxxx developer tool hardware numbers
  • gpu/dma2: pre-checks linked-list size (and abort/warn if endless-link-chain)
  • spu: supports multi-block manual ram write (repeated spucnt=C010h; bios intro)
  • spu/irq: emulates i_stat edge-triggering (gex,finalfantasy9,tokimekimemorial2)
  • cdrom/irq: emulates i_stat edge-triggering (though rarely needed in practice)
  • emu: emulates dirt effects on 8bit/16bit/32bit writes to various I/O ports
  • help: added details on multi-block manual spu ram writes, and on spu ram addr
  • help: extra note on I_STAT bits being edge triggered (was already mentioned)
  • help: unpredictable things: added details on 8bit/16bit/32bit write effects
  • help: memctrl correction: 1F801020h.16-17 and FFFE0130h.8,11-31 are fully R/W
  • spu: ignores writes to "read-only" registers (SPUSTAT and ENDX voice flags)

  • http://problemkaputt.de/

    2014年5月28日 星期三


    又一款3DS模擬器發布了,名稱是 TronDS 。試了幾款homebrew居然都能運行,值得關注!!

    First version of TronDS a Nintendo 3DS Emulator, It's very simple and is only capable of running homebrews. It currently supports:

    • ARM9/ARM11 interpreter for the 3DS appcore – the processor core dedicated to running user applications
    • OS HLE to support userland interaction with the various 3DS OS services
    • Framebuffer rendering
    • Debugger with ARM11 disassembler, register view (written in C#)


    2014年5月26日 星期一

    puNes 0.86

    FC模擬器 puNes 發布新版,更新如下:

    - Added sample rate of 48 kHz.
    - Doubled the overall volume level.
    - Starting to implement the UNIF (NROM, NROM-128, NROM-256, Sachen-74LS374N, A65AS)format and the Nes 2.0.

    - Fixed obscure bug that occurred when the code was executed from RAM (Tetris 2 + BomBliss (J) [!].nes now works fine).

    - Fixed all the bugs with the mapper 31 (2A03 Puritans works well now).


    2014年5月24日 星期六

    Wiikey U

    去年提到的東西在前幾天又更新了,俗話說的好 ~落井下石~ 大概就是指這種情況.......

    2014-05-18: We will start taking Wiikey U preorders in the next week!

    A lot has happened recently and we are now confident to launch Wiikey U! You can look forward to other exciting WiiU news in the coming weeks...



    2014年5月21日 星期三

    2014年5月20日 星期二

    Nintendo Wii U SDK / Cafe SDK 1.7


    清晨一開機就收到某位作者傳來的mail,老任的Wii U軟體開發工具 Nintendo Wii U SDK / Cafe SDK 1.7 被洩漏了.......真是吃飽太閒 ! 老任已經有如風中燭火,偏偏選在這時補上一腳,叫老任情何以堪................



    SGGG & Forget me not -パレット- 中文化


    1). Dreamcast : SGGG

    詳細內容請至 浮游城  。


    2). PlayStation : Forget me not -パレット-  :


    遊戲原名:Forget me not -パレット-
    簡體譯名:Forget me not -調色板-
    繁體譯名:Forget me not -調色盤-



    本格懸疑冒險遊戲,原作《Palette》(パレット)以其獨特的記憶迷宮系統、故事劇情與世界觀得到日本第四回的ASCII Entertainment Software Contest最高獎,並於2001年移植至PS平台。











    Ken Tse @ 意志之路 / 字庫設計、影片導入
    wewewef @ 撲家漢化組 / 字庫製作、文本導出
    飛揚寒星 / 其他

    飛揚寒星 / 初翻
    全力少年 @ Retoruto全力應援字幕組 / 校對
    匿名 / 潤色



    空野 / 繪圖

    今阪唯笑 @ 星空網·AUGUST中文化委員會



    F4……切換窗口 / 全屏模式
    Enter / Z / 空格……確認、調查(按住不放可一次顯示整段對話)



    載入Forget Me Not - Pallete.bin文件進行遊戲。




    2014年5月19日 星期一

    BlueStacks -- Jet Set Radio

    今天閒得發慌,突然想看看新版安卓模擬器 BlueStacks 的進展,沒想到已經達到相當不錯的階段,試了幾款APP遊戲,運行的相當不錯,也許以後會找幾款遊戲來測試.....

    Jet Set Radio :


    SSF TestVer (2014-05-19)

    SEGA Saturn模擬器 SSF 發布新測試版,更新如下:

    テストバージョンを更新しました。 どうやらSCUのDMA転送に不具合があったようです。


    2014年5月18日 星期日

    FPse for Android v0.11.134

    FPse for Android - screenshot thumbnail

    安卓-PS模擬器 FPse 發布新版,更新如下:

    FPse 0.11.134:
    - Added new shaders 5xbR and 4XHQ
    - Shaders can now be changed while playing games
    - Fixed L2 and R2 mapping on shield
    - New OpenGL plugin, much more optimized, faster and more compatible
    Contact Author for any problem please!

    另一款3DS模擬器 3dmoo

    3dmoo 是另一款開源的3ds模擬器,這個開發項目目前看來前景看好,有興趣的可關注一下:


    2014年5月15日 星期四

    JoyToKey 5.6

    joy2key: gamepad to keyboard
    Joystick to Keyboard
    非常實用的手把模擬鍵盤工具 JoyToKey 發布新版,更新如下:
  • Enhanced "Keyboard 2" functionality to support the followings :
    • support 4 keys per definition
    • support the rotation of 4 input definitions
    • support auto repeat and toggle configuration
  • Upgraded DirectX library version from 7 to 8

    2014年5月14日 星期三

    MedGui Reborn Beta v0.049e


    多機種模擬器 Mednafen 前端工具 MedGui Reborn Beta 發布新版,更新如下:

    - Added new options from Mednafen (except psx.input.port*)
    - Modified Custom Palette Maker, now support BGP, OBP0, and OBP1 colors
    - Fixed a bug with compressed archive with more then one file inside


    2014年5月12日 星期一

    Sakura Wars 3 -- PC (也算模擬)

    上星期無意中在書櫃翻到多年前的櫻花大戰3繁中版,一時心癢想再重溫一次,想不到安裝完成後卻被 StarForce 擺了一道,在請教google大神後又試了幾次,結果都以失敗告終....正當內心李白上身,無數詩詞絕句正要溢滿而出之際,想到了救星 = VMware Player !!

    當下立馬找尋當年購入的 Win XP (從沒想過會與它再次見面),安裝完VMware Player後,開始了一場懷舊之旅.......

    首先先將原版Win XP作成iso,載入VMware Player後開始安裝,不到10分鐘就裝好了,接著VM自動更新驅動,接著熟悉的畫面與音樂再度回到眼前(嗯,還是XP好),再來就是安裝櫻戰3了,完成後執行遊戲,輸入完序號,檢測完SF..........................................終於進遊戲了!!


    測試環境 :  Dell E4300 筆電  / CPU:2.4G  / RAM:2G



    多機種模擬器 Mednafen 發布新版,更新如下:

    -- --
    May 11, 2014:
            Fixed a bug in the sound format conversion code that caused garbled audio when using the new shared-mode WASAPI driver
            with a sound device configured with more than 2 speakers.
    -- 0.9.34: --
    May 10, 2014:
     CDPLAY: Optimized the visualization code.
     Added a new shared-mode WASAPI sound driver named "wasapish".
     For consistency, the "wasapi" and "sdl" sound drivers no longer subtract the overhead latency from the desired buffer size
     when calculating the size of the buffer to use.
     Changed the default value of setting "sound.buffer_time" to "0", to enable usage of partially-new code that calculates a buffer
     size automatically based on emulated system characteristics and the sound driver in use.
    May 8, 2014:
     GB: Fixed tilt sensor emulation that was broken in the May 6 IDIT_BUTTON_ANALOG packing change.
     Updated the embedded copy of libmpcdec to the latest SVN copy; fixes problems with playback of older SV7 format files(with
     the CD emulation code).
     Wrote threading code to target Win32 APIs directly, rather than rely on SDL's threading support, for the Windows build.
    May 7, 2014:
     GBA, NES: Resolved some compiler warnings.
     No longer compile with -mstackrealign for the Windows build, instead using "__attribute__((force_align_arg_pointer))" where
     appropriate(e.g. Win32 and SDL callbacks).
     Updated the cheat console-interface code to use a condition variable instead of sleep-waiting.
     Remove an erroneous extra mutex unlock around a driver-side message queue.
    May 6, 2014:
     Pack "IDIT_BUTTON_ANALOG" and "IDIT_RUMBLE" type input device data more tightly(only aligning to a byte-boundary now,
     and packing as 16-bits rather than 32-bits).
     Calculate and send a device type number for each emulated port with the netplay login data(the data is not used currently by
     mednafen-server, but will be in the future).
    May 5, 2014:
     Reworked the multithreaded CD reading code to use condition variables, rather than repeatedly unlocking, sleeping, and
     locking mutexes.  This should help with performance a bit, and will prevent a lot of unnecessary CPU/CPU core wakeups, especially
     after loading multiple disc images with M3U files(since a read thread is created for each disc image, at least when CD image
     memcaching is disabled, the default).
     Moved common parts of the MDFNI_Load and MDFNI_LoadCD functions into a separate function to reduce code duplication.
     Emulation modules' LoadCD functions all now throw exceptions on error, so changed the function pointer prototype to remove
     the return type(void all the way!).
    May 4, 2014:
     PCE, PCE_FAST, PC-FX, MD: Make better use of exceptions(and handle some that were not handled properly before) in the game
     loading and initialization code paths.
     Emulation modules' Load and LoadCD functions may now throw exceptions upwards instead of calling MDFN_PrintError() and
     returning 0.
     Reworked IPS parsing and applying code to use exceptions, and Stream instead of stdio file access.
     Reworked MDFNFILE to use exceptions to signal errors on file loading(the memory-stream functions provided primarily for the NES
     module's use still don't throw exceptions, however).
     Lynx: Removed undocumented(and largely pointless) support for loading a gzip or ZIP-compressed "lynxboot.img" firmware file.
     GB: Made game loading code more resilient to avoid leaking memory if an error occurs during game load.
     Added a gcc format string check attribute to an MDFN_Error constructor, and fixed a few minor format string problems this
     checking exposed.
    May 3, 2014:
     GBA: Reworked save file type parsing code to use FileStream instead of stdio.
     GBA: Sanitize a few variables in the flash memory save state loading code to prevent malicious save states blah blah blah.
     GBA: Added masks to array access in the EEPROM emulation code to prevent malicious save states from corrupting the heap.
     GBA: EEPROM file loading code now errors out if there's an error opening or reading the file(but not if the error is that it
     simply does not exist), or the file is of an unexpected/incorrect size.
    May 2, 2014:
     NES:  The filename scanning to select region/video standard(NTSC or PAL), controlled via the "nes.fnscan" setting, now
     uses the filename and path stored in the ZIP file(when loading a NES game from a ZIP file) rather than the name of the ZIP file
     itself.  Additionally, the filename scanning feature no longer is affected by strings in the file extension(though I doubt this
     will affect anyone, as you'd have to be pretty deranged to name a NES game file like that).
    May 1, 2014:
     PSX: Made CD-DA playback position report code more correct and resilient in regards to Q subchannel checksum errors.
    April 30, 2014:
     PSX: Added settings to allow for scaling the analog stick axis values, to work around the issue of different logical ranges of 
     motion for PS1 DualShock and Dual Analog controllers versus more modern PC-compatible gamepads.
    April 29, 2014:
     Added logic to gracefully fall back to other fullscreen stretch modes if the current fullscreen resolution is too low to support the
     stretch mode selected.
    April 28, 2014:
     Added support for mapping joystick axes to lightgun screen coordinates; however, the configuration must be done manually
     by editing the configuration file.  (Additionally, the translation will not function properly if the software-rotation
     feature(via ALT+O) is used.)
      psx.input.port2.guncon.x_axis joystick 630f0eab74165481 00008000
      psx.input.port2.guncon.y_axis joystick 630f0eab74165481 00008001
     Alternate coordinate translation for fullscreen mode, intended for physical modern lightgun and pointer devices:
      psx.input.port2.guncon.x_axis joystick 630f0eab74165481 00048000
      psx.input.port2.guncon.y_axis joystick 630f0eab74165481 00048001
    April 27, 2014:
     GB: Cleaned up the memory-mapper code, fixing a few bugs that allowed some games(like "Best of the Best Championship Karate")
     to cause Mednafen itself to crash.
     GB: Fixed MBC7 support(it's been broken in Mednafen for a loooong time).
     GB: Disabled the broken simulation of HDMA overhead that seemed to be doing more harm than good; fixes problems with
     unstable framerates and inaccurate slowdown on some GBC games(such as "Shantae").
     MD, NGP, WonderSwan: Fixed potential memory leaks(memory was not really leaked due to how Mednafen is currently structured,
     but they could have become problematic leaks in the future).
     Merge clamp.h into math_ops.h.
     More #include statement changes in emulation module sources to use #include <mednafen/BLAH> style instead of #include "../BLAH".
    April 26, 2014:
     Fixed a bug that was causing the output image to be distorted when rotation(via ALT+O) was used in conjunction with
     a *.videoip setting value of "x" or "y".
     Added a test/demo module to help work out bugs in the video processing code paths.
    April 25, 2014:
     Reworked the build system and numerous source code and header files to allow for less sloppiness with -I include paths.
     GB: Statically-allocate a 320-byte graphics buffer instead of malloc()'ing it.
    April 24, 2014:
     Fixed a problem with the configure script so it will (hopefully) no longer error out when cross-compiling.
     MD: memset() line buffer padding areas to prevent sprite rendering from reading from uninitialized memory.
     MD: Fixed violations of strict aliasing in the 68K CPU core.
     PC-FX, VB: Replaced SoftFloat, used in FPU emulation, with newly-written-while-sleep-deprived code.  It's possible this may
     cause regressions, since floating-point stuff is rather hairy...
     Fixed an ancient bug that made iterative multibyte-value cheat searches extremely unreliable.
     Fixed a bug that broke the output image when displaying a source image with multiple horizontal resolutions at a specific
     rotation angle(selected via ALT+O).
     Added support for negative <system>.scanlines setting values, which will change scanline behavior and size to overlay/obscure
     the previous field's line data if "video.deinterlacer" is set to "weave".
     Added setting "video.deinterlacer", default value of "weave".
     NES: Align a temporary line buffer array to prevent the possibility of a CPU fault and/or poor performance on non-x86 platforms.
     Simplified handling of muli-horizontal-resolution frames by changing "LineWidths"'s type from MDFN_Rect(representing
     x offset and width) to a simple int32(representing just width).
    April 23, 2014:
     GB: Added support for custom palettes that specify BGP, OBP0, and OBP1 colors independently.
    April 18, 2014:
     PC-FX, VB: Corrected the debugger's disassembly of the 5-bit sign-extended immediate form of "mov"
     (the disassembler was failing to sign-extend).


    2014年5月11日 星期日

    陰謀/陽謀 ?

    到底是陰謀 ?還是陽謀 ? 現階段還不明朗,但追根究柢對使用者而言只有體驗的差異而沒有其他方面的損失,所以也不須太深究......但我還是希望有陰謀.....不過以作者的個性來說,又好像啥都不會變動......總之大概還要一段時間才會明朗,目前能做的....就是等待。


    2014年5月10日 星期六

    DeSmuME X432R 2014-05-10

    非官方NDS模擬器 DeSmuME X432R 更新了,這款模擬器能強化NDS遊戲畫面,雖然畫面提升非常多,但相對對硬體要求也較高,有興趣可試試,更新如下 :

    DeSmuME X432R 2014-05-10-0
    公式SVN r5038を元に作成



    Configメニュー → High-Resolution 3D Renderer → Async Modeを追加


    2014年5月7日 星期三

    UME 0.153ex2

     由Haze編譯的MAME模擬器 UME 發布新版,更新如下:

    UME (logo by JackC)
    UME is the complete/combined version of the MAME / MESS project.
    It’s always a little disappointing to have to post 3 UME updates in a row with no actual WIP news between them, but that’s the situation right now, I’ve not really made any changes worth doing an update about it, and progress elsewhere has been slow too if I’m honest.
    0.153ex2 is built from SVN revision 30169
    UME 0.153ex2 Windows binaries – 32-bit, 64-bit and all tools
    UME 0.153ex2 sources
    Here is the 0.153 to 0.153ex2 SVN log
    Also split mame/mess (non-ume) binaries of this revision can be found here
    Points of Interest
    The main addition of note here is support for Wyvern F-0, already extensively covered by Luca. It’s not really quite as rare of valuable as it’s hyped up to be, but it’s an interesting addition as it further shows the influence Namco’s Xevious had on the arcades, employing a similar air / ground bombing system (Taito had tried this previously with Fire Battle) As Luca mentions there are still a few issues with sprite colours, as you can see.

    Wyvern F-0 Wyvern F-0 Wyvern F-0

    For UME / MESS users I’ve added the parsing of some additional ini files based on how the drivers are defined in the source. Drivers are defined with either a GAME( macro, a CONS( macro, COMP( or SYST( depending on what type of system they are. This information was previously unused, but the emulator will now attempt to parse ‘arcade.ini’ for anything defined as GAME. and ‘console.ini’, ‘computer.ini’ or ‘othersys.ini’ for each of the others. While this relies on things being properly defined in the source it will allow UME users who might want specific .ini options to be applied only to drivers that originated in MAME to create an ‘arcade.ini’ with those specific options in. Even if you’re not using UME the option will benefit MESS users who can use the computer/console.ini files for the same purpose.

    system11 dumped a couple of clones, the most interesting being a Korean version of Kaneko’s ‘The Berlin Wall’ This version carries an ‘Inter’ license like the Korean version of Gals Panic and appears to be a fully legitimate version of the game licensed by Kaneko for the Korean market.
    The set is also interesting because it uses the same character graphics as the ‘berlwallt’ clone set, but preserves the normal stage order. Interestingly it suffers from the same ‘COPY BOARD’ issue when you die / continue on world 4 and above that resulted in the ‘berlwallt’ set being marked as a possible bootleg. I’ve asked for system11 to check if this actually occurs on real hardware, because the board the set comes from is definitely original so we need to establish if it’s an emulation glitch (meaning we’re missing some way the game detects a bootleg board, or some way of hiding those sprites) or an oversight by Kaneko with these versions of the game. Luca also fixed a few bugs in the driver.

    Berlin Wall (Korea) Berlin Wall (Korea) Berlin Wall (Korea)

    While on the subject of Berlin Wall, I find it a shame that ‘Wani Wani World’ never made it to the arcades, it’s a much more refined, much better looking, much more fun version of the game that was released on the Sega Mega Drive in Japan. (you can always give it a spin in UME, “UME megadrij waniwani”) I think the ‘RESET’ button on the MD emulation broke at some point tho, a shame because you need to reset the game 19 times to activate the cheat mode (and F3 resets too much of the system for that)

    Kale has also been busy with improving the Model 2 emulation, although it’s still a long way from being correct or any kind of rival to ElSemi’s emulator.
    Other than that a lot of the work done has been refactoring as usual, although a number of the small improvements are important, the Sega Master System timing tweaks that went in fixed a number of bugs I was seeing where screens were flicking that did not occur on real hardware (menu screens in Micro Machines for example – although there does seem to be a flickering line again on Fantastic Dizzy now) We’ve also seen work started on a long overdue cleanup of the MSX drivers.
    A significant number of devices have had uninitialized variables cleaned up which should make things more reliable as uninitialized values can result in unpredictable buggy behaviour (like the Namco flipscreen issue we saw in 0.153)
    A fair amount of work has also been done on more obscure systems in MESS, but you’d be better off checking the changelogs yourself for those if you want more details. A driver for the Xerox Alto 2 from Juergen is one such addition, but work was also done on the Goldstar FC-100, the Dick Smith Super-80, the NeXT systems and a number of others, each change inching them a bit closer to a working state. The MESS side of the code has been a hive of activity when it comes to these lesser known systems and it’s always good to see some devs of old getting a feel for things again with them!
    Beyond that we’ve also seen attempts to repair the collateral damage caused by some of the other recent refactoring / device conversions / core rewrites such as the 0.153 regressions seen with the Cybiko.


    MADrigal CD Collection v59.2

    早期 Game&Watch 時代的模擬器合集 MADrigal CD Collection 更新了,共收錄了59款遊戲,有興趣的可試試.

    I have always wanted to upgrade my simulators of games belonging to the Nintendo Game & Watch series, but unfortunately I don't own the original handhelds anymore and I have no chance to scan them at high resolution by myself.
    Luckily, I recently got a huge help from two Austrian men, authors of the gorgeous Der Inoffizielle Game & Watch Sammlerkatalog book, who provided me with great pictures and scans from a few games I simulated long ago: Egg, Mickey Mouse, Snoopy Tennis and Turtle Bridge.
    I decided to upgrade the former two games first, as well as their Russian clones (minor fixes). This is the new look of the Game & Watch simulators:
    I will release the upgraded Snoopy Tennis and Turtle Bridge sometimes soon. Here's the list of the games I'm releasing today:
    - Egg (Nintendo, Wide Screen) S4/1.03 (Standard 4, complete rewrite)
    - Mickey Mouse (Nintendo, Wide Screen) S4/1.02 (Standard 4, complete rewrite)
    - Explorers of Space (Elektronika) S4/1.03 (Standard 4, various optimizations)
    - Fowling (Elektronika) S4/1.02 (Standard 4, various optimizations)
    - Frog Boaster (Elektronika) S4/1.02 (Standard 4, various optimizations)
    - MADrigal CD Collection ver. 59.2


    2014年5月2日 星期五

    RetroArch v1.0.0.2





    2014年5月1日 星期四

    XQEMU: Smashing Drive Ingame

    XBOX模擬器 XQEMU 釋出了運行 Smashing Drive 的截圖,原文如下:

    XQEMU: Smashing Drive Ingame

    Okay, we're moving along here faster than I anticipated.  Just a few moments ago, I added a few texture related fixes to XQEMU, and now Smashing Drive goes ingame!  Although there isn't too much visually impressive in this game, it's proof that LLE is a feasible idea.

    In my experience, Smashing Drive has always been the easiest Xbox game to emulate (the game is only 90mb, making it the smallest known commercial Xbox game that I know of!), so I'm not really too surprised it's working this well.  You're probably wondering why the colours are inverted, lack of colour keying and depth testing, etc.  The emu actually doesn't appear to implement any render states at all at the moment, and we're still working out how certain texture formats should be interpreted in OpenGL.  Other than that, everything runs with minimal issues, minus the random freeze likely caused by race conditions.

    So, just wanted to give you all a quick update on XQEMU's progress as of late.  Thanks for reading!
