2021年2月21日 星期日

Supermodel 0.3a svn 850

 SEGA Model 3 模擬器 Supermodel 發布svn新官方編譯版,更新如下 :

Fix project file
Build bot script.
Skichamp Driveboard error fix.
r847Huge refactor of the Driveboard:
-Separate each possible boards (wheel, joystick, skipad, billboard).
-Defined a Driveboard type in Games.xml for each games.
-Due to the refactoring, Driveboard Savestates have changed (a common base data + a specific board data are saved).
-Backwards compatibility with previous save states is maintained.
-Driveboard rom section is no longer required anymore. This disables Driveboard emulation in case the rom is not found.
-Added Billboard emulation (vf3, vs2, fvipers2, von2). 7 segments and lamps Outputs are redirected to Supermodel outputs.
-Changes project to C++ 17 standard.

