2018年12月19日 星期三

PCSXR-PGXP build (2018-12-18)

PS模擬器 PCSXR-PGXP 發布新版,更新如下 :

The menu and line rendering hack are only currently available through the Opengl 1.78 plugin, not the OpenGL 2 Tweak.

I have managed to implement the flipped sprite fix in the Tweak plugin though, I've uploaded a new build with just that change for now.

It was pretty simple once I figured out how to find and intercept the plugin's internal function calls in the way that Tapeq was doing. Integrating the line rendering hacks will be more difficult though as they require changing the number of vertices being drawn and either making a second triangle or changing the existing one to a quad. I think I've got it figured out at least.


